Ready to dive into the world of modern classified ads portals? Look no further!
We're thrilled to introduce our brand-new E-Book: "How to Create a Modern Ads Portal Easily."
Inside the E-Book: Unlock the secrets to crafting a sleek and effective classified ads platform with our comprehensive guide. We've distilled the wisdom and strategy you need to succeed using the powerof DJ-Classifieds extension.
Navigate Your Path: Consider this E-Book your trusty compass, leading you through the intricate journey of building your own classified ads website. From concept to creation, we've got you covered, ensuring you have a smooth sail.
Ready to take...
JM-Free-Ebooks is our new release.
This template is ideal, if you need to create a site with downloadable products or a professional products catalog.
Use DJ-Catalog2 Joomla component for this purpose. Create custom fields and use them as filters to help your site visitors search them!
Use DJ-MediaTools component to display products using slides, tabs or gallery.
New version of DJ-Catalog2 and DJ-MediaTools are included in the template price.
See the template's demo.
Technical data:
responsive layout (adapts to any screen size) , bootstrap-based
less support
fixed & fluid layout options setting on template configuration
examples of...