Ready to dive into the world of modern classified ads portals? Look no further!
We're thrilled to introduce our brand-new E-Book: "How to Create a Modern Ads Portal Easily."
Inside the E-Book: Unlock the secrets to crafting a sleek and effective classified ads platform with our comprehensive guide. We've distilled the wisdom and strategy you need to succeed using the powerof DJ-Classifieds extension.
Navigate Your Path: Consider this E-Book your trusty compass, leading you through the intricate journey of building your own classified ads website. From concept to creation, we've got you covered, ensuring you have a smooth sail.
Ready to take...
If you're planning to launch a real estate ads portal based on Joomla CMS, our DJ-RealEstate classified ads quickstart website will be a great solution.
DJ-RealEstate offers the ultimate flexibility and richness of design with all the amazing tools and features available in one place. With DJ RealEstate, YOOtheme Pro and Joomla 4.x, you can create a fully functional and cost-effective ads website today. It has everything the current market requires from a classified ads portal. Read about the Real Estate portal's main layout elements and discover the main features.
Learn more from the blog post: DJ-RealEstate - real estate ads...
Good News! We are happy to announce the release of the brand new Joomla 4.x demo site and the new quickstart pack for DJ-Classifieds extension!
Check out the new demo site here.
Want to create an eye-catching classified ads portal in Joomla 4.x? Look no further! With our new quickstart package based on the demo site, you can achieve the same stunning effect with just a few clicks!
Along with the DJ-Classifieds Regular plan (or the Unlimited plan), extension users get access to all apps and quickstart packages.
Learn more from the blog post here.
Key features of the new DJ-Classifieds...