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JSN Time - The benchmark of news & magazine sites JSN Time can be considered as the benchmark for a general news site with crucial User Experience (UX) Design andMaximum Leverage of K2 – Content Construction Kit (CCK). It follows the “user-centered design” philosophy, which aims at bringing good experience, emotion, intuition and connection of newsreaders. Why should it be JSN Time? 1. Maximum Leverage K2 – The powerful award-winning CCK JSN Time is the first template with the full utilization and enhancement of K2's rich content forms, nested-level categories, tags, comments, user pages, etc. If you take notice, you can see the difference in the interfaces of the K2 demo and JSN Time...
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You searching for a fast loading news template for Joomla, take ST Tyneo, which comes with a clean and flexible layout, which is full responsive for any device. Beautiful Templates provide it with gallery and image slideshow support. You can also integrate Google Maps or social links. ST Tyneo is available in a free version, which can be downloaded on developers website. A download share on your social account is the condition. You get thereby 10% discount for a single purchase. Two other commercial versions are also available. ST Tyneo is ready for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x. Its also best suitable for magezine websites. ST Tyneo includes special layouts for that.

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