Party Joomla template is enjoyable and responsive kids website template for companies, organizations and business connected with children. Initially it was designed for companies engaged in theorganization of children's holidays. But variety of additional Joomla extensions makes it suitable for summer camp, kids and children, kids holidays, organization of children's holiday, toy stores, baby stores,celebrations, birthday parties organisation and so on.
Colorful web design of Party Joomla template is achieved through the use of vibrant colors, parallax moving effects and blocks of interesting shape. Pay your attention to multicolored menu items and moving baloons that create the happy and joyful mood.
Apart from vivid and festive layouts...
Universal simple template suitable school website, kindergartens, community center or a page of a youth Template is equipped with an administration panel through which we can change all the parameters, ranging from upload pictures to animate ending on the foot site
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Universal template of a fairy tale, toy, in the template blue colors predominate. The template comes with an administration panel through which we can change all the parameters, starting from upload pictures to the animation finishing on the footer of the site. The template uses CSS3 may look different in older browsers
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