You can now use the Horizontal Swipe layout with a swipe feature for Joomla galleries. There is also a new control panel, Next item/Previous item buttons for custom items, and more improvements.
Learn more about the new version here: DJ-MediaTools 2.17 - Joomla slideshow and image gallery updated with a new layout and optimized options...
On February 15th announced the launch of a new, redesigned website.
Design-Joomla team goal is to be characterized by the highest quality, both in terms of graphics and functionality.
The new website is clean, loads very fast and it's ready to inform about the current services, give easy access to company's information, portfolio, testimonials, social channels and latest news.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the site, our offer and contact us to get a free quote.
Design-Joomla is a professional programming company with over 10 years of experience in CMS Joomla! (content management system).
We have created hundreds...
Hi, dudes. The next miracle is coming to life. In the 5 part of Your Roocky template story we are presenting the new minimalistic superior layout - Minimal classic.
12 days ago we gave a birth to Roocky. We conceived it like a big solution of all your needs, which has a superior design and usability. Thus we have created 4 layouts: wide and boxed creative layout for creative users, corporate layout especially for business and corporates and now minimal classic for those who don’t recognize a big number of elements.
We left a big background, because we...