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Sj BeStore - Multipurpose Joomla eCommerce Template Sj BeStore - A multpurpose eCommerce Joomla template with numbers of flexible features and good-looking design. Highly customizable, regular update and premium support. Sj BeStore VirtueMart Theme is specially designed for technology, electronics, accessories, computers, fashion and match any kind of store. Sj BeStore- technology Joomla template is built on VirtueMart 3 component. Sj BeStore comes with lots of advanced eCommerce features and functions such as: Mega Menu, Drag & Drop Builder, Ajax Filter for VirtueMart, Mini Cart Pro, Product Quickview, RTL language, 65+ Useful ShortCodes built-in..... With BeStore, you can quickly setup your online store just in minutes without...
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SJ Mobi - Responsive Joomla Template
  Inspired by mobilization and responsive Web design, SJ Mobi - Joomla Template has been released. Allowing the visitors from any source, who are possessing many devices for many purposes; increasing your traffic by serving various screen sizes; let check to see how amazing this is... Based on YT Framework, this is really great responsive template for Joomla! 2.5: 5 styles available with responsiveness to 1, 3 or 5 column layout! Globally recognition because it offers RTL and LTR languages as well as Google fonts. Support any contexts, ranging from personal blog, corporate Website to big shopping portal, all becomes true by integrating many modules inside....
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SJ Wall Blog - Responsive Joomla Template
  SJ Wall Blog - a responsive template with K2 is released with special layout! Utilizing an accordion static menu on the left sidebar, we can navigate through many levels of Website easily. SJ Wall Blog also features a login form and K2 tag cloud right in the sidebar for convenience. With this, we integrated both Content and K2 component into the core, allowing you to choose between simplicity and cleanliness of default Content component, OR sophistication and power of K2! Besides, 5 preset color styles includes both warm and cool scale will suit all style requirement. Using SJ Wall Blog,...
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