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Over the last five years, if there has been one topic in discussion in every way possible by phone and laptop manufactures, media, and tech enthusiasts, it is USB C. How it works, whether it is better than older versions, how fast companies will adapt to it, the possibilities of its uses and many more questions and topics are the focus of these discussions.   So why is it in the discussion? And why should device manufacturers switch over?   The simple answer is that USB C is fast. As fast as a thunderbolt. Excuse the pun.   USB C...
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USB cables and chargers are everyday must-haves. Whether it is to connect your phone to the music system, transferring files to another device or just for charging. When our phones are running low on the battery we never think twice before borrowing chargers from others.   But it could be the biggest pitfall for your device. Because you never know the quality of their USB cables and USB adapters.   According to an article by TechCrunch, a hacker was able to access the phone’s data through a simple iPhone USB lightning cable. They manipulated the cable and added a small Wi-Fi enabled...
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