Td Hairdresser - Joomla template
Td Hairdresser full package.
- Responsive design
- Bootstrap framework
- 65 Module positions fully collapsible
- Slider with text info and read more for each slide
- Background color and pattern change from template parameters
- Background image optional
- 6 color styles
- 5 columns template
- Horizontal Mega menu or moo menu
- Floating horizontal menu
- Logo optional as image or as text
- Font re-sizer and color style switcher
- Go to top
- Top panel
- Custom offline and error page
- Google Analytic
- Components show/hide
- RTL template
- Mozilla/Firefox/IE/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly
- Article slider module
- Section module
- Testimonials module
- Services module
- Timeline module
- Team module
- Shortcodes plugin
- Tooltips plugin
- Mega menu plugins
- CSS Based Tableless Design
- CSS and Javascript Compression
- Quickstart for joomla 3.8
Tagged in:
hairdresser template
hairdresser theme
joomla 3.x free template
responsive joomla template