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VirtueMart 3.0.18 - Take It Easy with More Features Added

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VirtueMart 3.0.18 has been released. It is the last release for the VM3.0 series. There won't be any new VM3.0.x updates except security fixes.

VirtueMart for WordPress Beta version may come soon. The last big task is only the router, which must be adjusted to the WordPress links. A light version of the Joomla libraries is still used to transform VirtueMart to a cms-less system like WordPress.

New Features in VirtueMart 3.0.18:

For Shopowners

  • Customfields of type S (String) and P (Property) can be used to automatically create a dropdown for search (like tags)
  • Added ajax for child variants in category browse view - MV (MultiVariant) and GC (GenericVariant)
  • Category view now has the same options for displaying additional VM content as were available in the virtuemart view (which is now deprecated)
  • Update of com_tcpdf to tcpdf version 6.2.12
  • Added drag and drop sorting of MultiVariants in product edit
  • Already loaded grouped products are not displayed twice on the same browse view
  • Product is now virtually added to the cart before the conditions are tested. So it works now also for weights and other conditions (not just price)
  • User dependent currency for invoice, mail, and order view
  • Currency can now use the "space character" in the display format
  • Payment and shipment methods can now be edited in different currencies
  • Changed addProductToRecent so that it always stores 10 product ids; can be adjust by hidden config max_recent_products
  • Added a template vmbeez3 derived from beez3
  • New VirtueMart/Joomla! 3 full installer
  • Paypal accepts multiple currencies
  • Amazon works now with the cart ajax and updated library
  • Avatax taxfreightcode added

For Developer and Templater

  • shopfunctions::getLoginForm works now with a sublayout login, so it can be used in other views
  • Added trigger plgVmOnCheckoutCheckStock
  • Removed id tag from dropdowns to ensure that chosen can always generate a unique id
  • Quite a lot of JS enhancements, more robust and faster
  • Added function sendCurrForm, which simply fires the form if an input has the right class.
  • Plugins can now define in the constructor which values should be handled as convertables


VirtueMart 3 component (core and AIO)

Notice for shops with overrides: To use ajax for reloading product content or reloading within a product module, you just need to search for the div with "productdetails-view productdetails" and add "product-container" class. Beside, members who used the ajax for child variants within the browse view should change the layout back to default.

Hope this information is useful to you! Tell us your ideas about these updates by leaving your comment here.

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