[Update] DJ-Catalog2 Integrator Plugin version Beta for Joomla 5 DJ-Catalog2 Integrator Plugin version 1.8.3 Beta, brings the complete compatibility with Joomla 5. For those unfamiliar, DJ-Catalog2 Integrator Plugin is a helpful tool for creating an eCommerce or product catalog website using DJ-Catalog2 eCommerce Joomla extension and YOOtheme's Page builder. The native compatibility with Joomla 5 marks a significant milestone for DJ-Catalog2 (recently we added the Joomla 5 native compatibility) users and integrator plugin, providing them with access to the latest features and enhancements offered by the newest Joomla release....
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Exciting News for Joomla Users: DJ-Catalog2 Version 5.0 Beta Unveils Compatibility with Joomla 5 DJ-Catalog2 has announced the release of version 5.0 Beta, bringing with it complete compatibility with Joomla 5. For those unfamiliar, DJ-Catalog2 is a powerful JJoomla directory and eCommerce extension designed to streamline the process of building modern directory or eCommerce websites. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, DJ-Catalog2 empowers users to create dynamic online platforms quickly and effortlessly. The native compatibility with Joomla 5 marks a significant milestone for DJ-Catalog2 users, providing them with access to the latest features and enhancements offered by the newest Joomla release....
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5 tips for creating a responsive Joomla image slideshow Are you looking to create a responsive image slideshow for your Joomla website? Slideshows are a popular way to showcase images and content in a dynamic and interactive manner.  Discover five tips for creating a responsive Joomla image slideshow and enhancing your website's visual experience using DJ-ImageSlider, a versatile and user-friendly extension developed by DJ-Extensions. Learn more from the blog post....
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