Novitas - a Content First Template for Joomla 2.5 by Joomlashack - bootstrapped by Wright Framework V3 Novitas, a content first template for Joomla 2.5, comes with a responsive 3 columns layout, 6 color styles and 16 module positions. Joomlashack build this theme on Wright Framework V3, which based on Bootstrap Framework by Twitter and is 60% lighter as the former version V2. Furthermore, Novitas is very seo friendly. All articles can be display in a clear structure with defined H1, H2 or H3 titles. A support for mobiles is also included. The download is commercial. You can use Novitas best for news- or blog websites. Features: Responsive 3 columns layout 6 color styles (orange, black, green, blue,...
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GameNews - Games Template for Joomla 2.5 by GavickPro GameNews, a premium games template for Joomla 2.5 by GavickPro, comes with a responsive layout, multiple module positions and a custom typography. GavickPro realized this theme on Gavern Framework. Made by HTML5 and CSS3 GameNews is leightweight, fast loading, seo friendly and cross browser compatible. A special support for EU cookie law and other 3rd party extensions, like K2 component, News Show Pro GK4 and Tabs GK5, is also included. You can also integrate your apis for social networks, like Google+, facebook and Twitter, or use Google and Squirrel fonts through to the integrated options panel. The download is commercial. GavickPro...
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JA University - Education Template for Joomla 2.5 - Author: Joomlart JA University, realized by Joomlart in September 2012, is a responsive education template for Joomla 2.5, which based on the famous and powerful T3 Framework, also made by Joomlart. Its leightweight layout offers 9 color options, 4 menu options and 20+ module positions. A support for a lot of extensions, like JA Slideshow Lite or JA ContentSlider Module, is also included. JA University is cross browser compatible, xHMTL and CSS valid. The download is commercial. Features: Leightweight and fast loading layout 9 color options 4 menu options (JA Split, JA Css, JA Dropline and JA Mega menu) 20+ module positions Cross browser compatible...
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  • joom-friends
    joom-friends says #
    can you send me JA University Quickstart and JA University user guide? i really need it right now. i don't now how to install that


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