Jm Personal Site
Our latest release - JM-Personal-Site professional Joomla template for professional personal websites. This template's design is purposed for golf trainers, but it's also suits well for other thematic categories. Template is based on powerful framework - it provides many useful settings to configure. Besides that some of our extensions are used: DJ-Menu DJ-Catalog2 ( here used to to create the collection of the most interesting stuff for potential clients) DJ-MediaTools ( here used to create the trainer image gallery) See the template' demo. Technical data:    responsive layout (adapts to any screen size) , bootstrap-based less support HTML5 + CSS3...
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MX_joofree10 will be delivered with 4 pre-installed color styles - red, green, orange or blue. You can use this free template especially for business and corporate websites. Its layout comes with 30 full collapsible module positions, 3 columns and drop down menu. MX_joofree10 supports also Google Analytics. A special header with a image slideshow is integrated. Furthermore you can configure a lot of template parameters, like the background color or the pattern, directly in Joomla Backend. MX_joofree10 is native to Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0.

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Traction is a stylish automotive template for Joomla 3.0. You can use it also in Joomla 2.5. Shape5 deliver this template with 93 collapsible core template positions and 6 custom module suffixes. Its layout based on Vertex Framework and includes Shape5's S5 Flex Menu. Special layout for 3rd party extensions like Joomanager, Tienda, Virtuemart or K2 are integrated. Tractions is seo friendly and is optimized for all famous browser. You can use it also for mobile websites. The download is commercial.

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