LightTheme, a free widescreen template by JVG Theme, is ready for Joomla 2.5 and will be delivered with 46 module positons, a mega menu and one pre-defined color. LightTheme based on Warp Framework and use CSS/Javascript compression. The result is a fast loading and seo friendly template, which can be used for all website contents in Joomla. A fine feature is the in-build side panel for the integration of additional content. The download is free. JVGTheme provide this template without conditions.
Joomla Templates
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Collector is a Joomla 2.5 template, which adapts its size automatically to your device. JoomlaBamboo realized this template on its own lightweight Zen Grid Framework, which use CSS and JS compression and comes with a seo friendly and fast loading source code. The load time will be more accelerated by the use of new technologies, like font icons, which replace the often used social icons, and make the load process more faster. JoomlaBamboo delivered Collector with 24 colors and 18 texture styles. So you can make your own template design and present yourself in a unique style. The download is commercial. Collector is best suitable for personal or social websites and ready for Joomla's famous social network extension, Jomsocial. You can use it also in Joomla 1.5.
Simple, a free minimal template by JVGTheme, based on Warp Framework and loads thereby very fast. Its lightweight layout, in black color style, includes a lot of module positions, a special typography and a fine mega menu. Also the integration of your social links is possible. The used image slider fits well to the whole minimal design. You can download Simple for free, without conditions. The template works well in Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0.