Fracture - Universal Template for Joomla 2.5 by RocketTheme on Gantry Framework V3 Fracture is Rocketthemes first template on Gantry Framework V3. This responsive theme will be delivered with 8 preset styles, 84 module positions, 9 styled and 25 structural module suffixes. A special layout for RokSprocket and K2 Component is also included. Besides this, Fracture supports loads transitions, mobile ready and is cross browser compatible to Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 8+. The download is commercial. Fracture is suitable for all Joomla 2.5 websites, like blogs, corporate- or business websites. Features: Responsive layout 8 preset styles 84 module positions 9 styled and 25 structural module suffixes 2 menu types (fusion megamenu...
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Novitas - a Content First Template for Joomla 2.5 by Joomlashack - bootstrapped by Wright Framework V3 Novitas, a content first template for Joomla 2.5, comes with a responsive 3 columns layout, 6 color styles and 16 module positions. Joomlashack build this theme on Wright Framework V3, which based on Bootstrap Framework by Twitter and is 60% lighter as the former version V2. Furthermore, Novitas is very seo friendly. All articles can be display in a clear structure with defined H1, H2 or H3 titles. A support for mobiles is also included. The download is commercial. You can use Novitas best for news- or blog websites. Features: Responsive 3 columns layout 6 color styles (orange, black, green, blue,...
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Education - free Education Template for Joomla 2.5 - Author: diablodesign Education, by diablodesign, based on modern web technologies, like HTML5 and CSS3. This free template for Joomla 2.5 comes with a responsive layout in black/blue/white color style and a effectful image slideshow module. The template supports social links, which can be add in template admin. You can also upload the slideshow images or change the template logo and footer text their. Education is best suitable for education, school or university websites. You can use it also for all other Joomla websites. The download is free, without conditions. Education is also native to Joomla 1.7. Features: Responsive layout Black/blue/white color style Integrated...
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  • lukman
    lukman says #
    I love your stuff


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