Td Injesa - Responsive joomla template Responsive Joomla 3.x and 2.5 template. Td Injesa full package includes: 5 columns responsive template. Bootstrap framework. Layer slider with text info and read more for each slide. Background image. Mega or moo menu. Logo optional as image or as text. Font re-sizer and color style switcher. 6 color styles red, blue, green, yellow, brown and purple. Background color and pattern change from template parameters. Top panel. Custom offline and error page. Google Analytic. Components show/hide. CSS Based Tableless Design. XHTML and CSS Validates. CSS and Javascript Compression. Custom K2 style. RTL template. Gallery module News box module News slider module...
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Mx_joomla141 -Free Joomla Template Joomla 3.x and 2.5 responsive template based on bootstrap framework. 68 Module positions fully collapsible, 5 columns template with width at your choice, 6 preset colors, Logo optional as image png or as text, Slider header with unlimited items and text info, Background color, pattern selector or background image, 2 vertical menu options: Mega or moo menu, Large short-codes plugin, Testimonial module, Newsletter module, Megamenu plugin, News box slider module, Icons menu module, Team module, Top panel, Social bookmarks, Google Analytic, K2 component extra style, Font re-sizer and style switcher, Custom offline, Custom error page, Components show/hide on template parameters, RTL...
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Good news regarding a paid subscription for Joomla Good news regarding a paid subscription for Joomla - the rules are changed - learn more: How the rules changed? How can I change my template and extensions subscription duration? My license expired, can I extend it? I got all templates bundle, can I extend it? What's included in the template price? ...
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