Keep Your Joomla 5 Site Secure with reCAPTCHA Integration In Joomla 5, the reCAPTCHA and Invisible reCAPTCHA plugins have been removed. These tools were essential for protecting against spam and bots in previous versions. However, you can still use them by installing plugins from Joomla 4. What is CAPTCHA? CAPTCHA helps distinguish humans from bots, securing registration forms, comment sections, and other interactive elements on your site, preventing automated registrations and spam submissions. Steps to Install reCAPTCHA in Joomla 5 You can continue using reCaptcha in Joomla 5 by installing the Joomla 4 plugins. Follow our step-by-step guide here. Invisible reCAPTCHA: Seamless Security Invisible reCAPTCHA works in the background, analyzing user...
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How to setup your 404 error page in Joomla 3 and Joomla 4 READ MORE For each error in Joomla CMS, a "Joomla error detail page" or "404 error page" is displayed. When the "Show Errors" setting is turned off in "Joomla's Global Settings" → "Show Errors" and some error occurs or the user enters the wrong URL in the browser, the user will see a "404 error page".More about: How to "turn on" or "turn off" the Error report in Joomla How to setup your Joomla 404 error page 1. With the help of FTP or cPanel or Joomla File mnager, go to {your-website}/templates/{your-template}/ and open file: error.php.1.a If you don't have error.php...
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Prepare Your Site for Halloween - The Scariest Holiday of the Year Halloween is on its way! It's that "scary-good" time of year again. Some individuals feel that Halloween is a little holiday in comparison to Christmas and Easter, but they are unaware that even minor holidays as Halloween may result in considerable sales growth for their e-commerce firm. Many individuals of all ages will be getting into the Halloween mood, there will be an increase in online spending during this time period. So, if you don't want to lose out on a revenue-boosting chance, just spook out your website to join this fantastic season trend and interact with as many consumers...
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