Today we announce the availability of our latest extension - DJ-Suggester Joomla plugin for content
This Joomla plugin displays the box with suggestion about the next suggested article or DJ-Catalog2 product.
It can also display modules.You can put any module inside the slide-in box.
It shows up smoothly when website is scrolled to the bottom offset. ...
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Modern web solutions for Joomla and Wordpress
DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla! extensions and templates.
We are also authors of WordPress plugins and themes.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good solution.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu. Our offer includes tools for YOOtheme Pro web builder.
DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla and WordPress products.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good tool.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good tool.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu.
We present new extension - DJ-CookieMonster Joomla cookie plugin - meant for informing site's visitors about the cookie policy.
It works with Joomla 3.x, Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 1.5.
The plugin is highly customizable - You can select one of 4 different styles, select where to display message and many more...
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2Checkout payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds Joomla classifieds extension was just added.
This payment plugin is free and available for all active subscribers of DJ-Classifieds extension.
To download it:
login with your username and password
navigate to
download the plugin
2Checkout Payment Plugin Setup Guide is available in our Documentation section or directly here...
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