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Coyote - Responsive Business Joomla Template Coyote is flat/clean/minimal joomla template best for business site. This template is design with modern web trends, further most it works very well on smart devices like Iphone, Ipad, Android Devices. With 12 column 1170px grid layout the look of site are also best on wide screen or high resolution. This template offer wide range of shortcodes to easily use on your pages. Clean comment code and very well structured PSD gives more comfort while establishing your own pages. For your easy use it offer 7 predefined color skins which you can use by changing a small snippet of code in...
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Mievent - Multipurpose Joomla Event & Music Mievent is a Clean, Fully Responsive, Modern Joomla Theme that is perfectly designed for Events, Conferences, Concerts, Workshops, Festivals and Exhibitions. Live Preview: http://goo.gl/Uja8zb...
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Housebuild - Construction Joomla Template Housebuild - Construction Joomla Template - is clean construction & business Joomla Template and retina ready. It is great, professional and easy to use template. You can use it for, business, construction, renovation, electricy, isolation etc. Really a awesome Housebuild construction #joomla #template!! Visit http://goo.gl/gqTQbZ...
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