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Errors & Solutions When Upgrading SJ Templates to Use PHP 7.x

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As you known, PHP 7 is the fastest PHP version and updating your Joomla website to PHP 7 can make your site perform 50% faster or more. However, it may occur some errors when you update SmartAddons Joomla Templates to use PHP 7.x. In this article, we will guide you to solve the problems with using PHP 7.x for SJ Templates before we release the updates.

Errors & solutions when updating SJ Templates to use PHP 7.x

1. Google Map


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Plugin_googleMaps has a deprecated constructor in /storage/content/34/158234/ on line 385


Go to: /public_html/plugins/system/ytshortcodes/includes/libs/googlemap/googleMaps.lib.php

Find: function Plugin_googleMaps

Replace by: function __construct

2. Cookie Directive Lite


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemEUCookieDirectiveLite has a deprecated constructor in /storage/content/34/158234/ on line 37


Go to: /public_html/plugins/system/EUCookieDirectiveLite/EUCookieDirectiveLite.php

Find: function plgSystemEUCookieDirectiveLite

Replace by: function __construct

3. YT Framework


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; YtFrameworkTemplate has a deprecated constructor in /home/ 724/public_html/plugins/system/yt/includes/site/lib/yt_template.php on line 16


Go to: /public_html/plugins/system/yt/includes/site/lib/yt_template.php

Find: function YtFrameworkTemplate

Replace by: function __construct

4. YT Framework Render XML


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; YtFrameworkRenderXML has a deprecated constructor in /home /724/public_html/plugins/system/yt/includes/site/lib/yt_renderxml.php on line 13


Go to: /public_html/plugins/system/yt/includes/site/lib/yt_renderxml.php

Find: function YtFrameworkRenderXML

Replace by: function __construct

5. YT Framework Object


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; YtObject has a deprecated constructor in /home/724/public_html/templates/sj_imag/menusys/ytobject.php on line 13


Go to: /public_html/templates/sj_revo/menusys/ytobject.php

Find: function YtObject

Replace by: function __construct

6. JW All Videos


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentJw_allvideos has a deprecated constructor in /storage/content/34/158234/ on line 18


Go to: /storage/content/34/158234/

Find: function plgContentJw_allvideos

Replace by: function __construct

Please follow our tips to fix the issues while updating SmartAddons Joomla Templates with PHP 7.x. We will update our products with PHP 7.x and inform you when the work done.

Thanks for reading!

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