Joomla templates
Joomla-Monster creates professional and high quality premium and free Joomla! templates for many thematic categories.
Customers may see customized demo site of each template which is diligently prepared for users that want to adapt the website to their needs quickly.
We provide Quickstart packages with an exact copy of a demo site - easy to replace with your content.
Our Joomla! 3 templates are build on powerful, modern and useful EF4 or EF3 Frameworks.
Templates include great Joomla extensions - for galleries, ads, products catalog included for free in the template's price.
JM-Business-Marketing Free responsive Joomla 2.5 template
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JM-Business-Marketing for Joomla 2.5 can be used for any business due to its clear design. The template layout adjusts to small screens of any mobile devices. The template setting allows to configure lots of parameters (fonts, width, support for Google Analitics & Webmaster Tools).
See the template's demo.
Technical data:
- responsive layout (adapts to any screen size)
- fixed & fluid layout options setting on template configuration
- examples of 3 template color versions
- 3 design module options
- google Fonts
- favicon image
- font size switcher
- font settings
- Google Analytics
- Google Webmaster Tools
- CSS Compression
- DJ-Menu Mootools responsive menu included
- RTL language support
- .PSD slices included
- demo copy - quickstart file included
- extensions used on demo site included
- Collapsible module positions
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid.
- Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design
- Well-commented css style files