We are very excited to give you the most significant sale discount for this year. The International day of discounts is almost here, and there is no better time to save some money.
Grab 40% OFF discount on any subscription of your choice: single extension subscription, bundles, Apps, and developer licenses.
Use the discount code: BLACKWEEK18 at the checkout.
This offer starts right now and is valid until Monday 26th November 2018 (23:59 GMT+1)...
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Recent blog posts
Free Magento 2 Portfolio extension gives you a valuable opportunity to showcase your products/ services/ projects or whatever you are proud of. The whole process is so simple but you will be surprised with the results it presents. Collect your user's attention and let our Portfolio extension speak for you. If you have the projects that use the products of your shop and you want present it on your shop. If you want to showcase the most satisfying services you completed. Then this Magento 2 Portfolio extension by MGS will help you easily add and show your portfolio on your store
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FREE Magento Category Alert allows customers to subscribe to product categories and get product information as long as new products are added.
When you add new products to your Magento store, it would be useful for your site if the product information is sent to the customers who have subscribed to your product categories before. Owing to the subscription option, customers will receive new product information without visiting your site and if they are interested in your products they can go to your site again and buy them. It is believed to be a good solution to keep...
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Did you know that building a website such as OLX does not have to cost a lot at all and now anyone can afford it?
It used to be different, because creating a functional website was associated with the necessity of employing programmers and, above all, considerable spending.
Now it is much easier, also because it is enough to install a template for Joomla and quickly launch the advertising portal quickly and efficiently.
If you are thinking about creating such a website that is OLX, you've come to the right place. In our article we show how to do it and,...
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Magesolution introduces Advanced Content Maker Magento 2 , which allows Magento 2 developers to make new content types such as Portfolio, Testimonial, News, Gallery, Blog pages..fast and easy. Just with the available data fields, the extension will automatically generate a new page without having to setup a certain CMS page . Moreover, Magento 2 extension help administrator to create multiple custom forms to display at front-end !
Big advantages for develops !
Create different content types when you are in need of adding other pages like Portfolio, Testimonial, News, Gallery…Associate new fields to this content at any time, of any type:...
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Advanced Content builder extension for Magento 2
Advanced Content Maker Magento 2
magento 2 extension
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