If you're planning to launch an eCommerce website based on Joomla CMS or an online WordPress store, our DJ-FashionStore eCommerce quickstart website will be a great choice.
DJ-FashionStore offers the ultimate flexibility and richness of design with all the amazing tools and features available in one place.
With DJ-FashionStore, YOOtheme Pro and Joomla 4.x or WordPress, you can create a fully functional and cost-effective online store today. It has everything the current market requires from an eCommerce page.
Read about the Fashion Store main layout elements and discover the main features.
Learn more from the blog post: Case study: DJ-FashionStore - complete...
Fashion Store is a completely new fancy and modern Website template for Joomla. Fashion Store has tones of options to create the best shop. It is fully responsive and highly customizable, so you can change everything how you want. It has all built-in pages like News, Product Page, Contacts, Map, Testimonials etc.
Featured Products
Fashion Store website template gives you an opportunity to sell anything! The beautifuly designed pages and the best extensions make it so easy to do. All of this is simple with Joomla CCK - powerful website builder that can help you to build website of any complexity.
Mega Menu And Animated Counter
Meet DJ-FashionStore - the template release for Joomla 4 & WordPress, based on YOOtheme Pro web builder.
DJ-FashionStore is an eCommerce solution for businesses dealing with clothing, fashion & products from similar categories.
Thanks to the implemented solutions, you can easily configure everything, including delivery and payment methods, add your products for sale and start making money online. DJ-FashionStore Joomla template is a ready-to-use online shop based on the DJ-Catalog2 component and YOOtheme Pro web builder.The Joomla 4 version comes with 5 Joomla extensions (included in the price.)
Main features:
Full integration of DJ-Catalog2 and YOOtheme Pro
Multi-language / multi-currency support...