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I don’t remember any part of my childhood without computers. From painting things in MS paint, searching for things on Yahoo to now doing everything from mobile phones, and being super-dependent upon for everything Google, we all grew up. We know all there is to do with computers but what do we really know about computers? Its components and especially the computer cables. We All Know About The CPU, Its Parts, Mouse, Keyboards, Etc. But, Here In This Article, We Are Going To Talk About The Types Of Cables And Ports Computers Have, Their Features And The Best Ways We Can Use...
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The way we entertain ourselves has changed, and is continuously changing. We used to listen to the radio, or watch tv. If we wanted to enjoy movies, we used to go to the theatre to watch them. As the entertainment itself changed, the ways of how we consume that content also changed. Internet content became mainstream and was delivered through special services besides cable television to us. We began by watching those, and the number of these special internet channels grew, providing an abundance of content. The way we used to go to movies in a group, we began to have...
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The word adapt has been taken quite literally by the computer hardware industry. As connection standards evolved, we made adapters to connect the old and the new. Certain OEMs usually tend to adopt new standards immediately and leave behind old, popular ports. This means you need to use adapters if you want to connect devices that came out more than 2 years apart. Why Does This Need Arise? Well, that is a very basic question. OEMs of different devices are, well, different. And they make different choices. If a camera manufacturer chooses the mini HDMI port, but a projector manufacturer only...
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