Responsive Joomla template based on Bootstrap framework,
Background color and pattern change from template parameters,
6 ready color styles,
5 columns template,
65 Module positions fully collapsible,
Logo optional as image or as text,
Font re-sizer and color style switcher,
Mega or moo menu,
Top panel,
Custom offline and error page,
Google Analytics,
Google Fonts,
Typography and short codes,
Components show/hide,
Custom K2 style,
RTL template,
Gallery module,
News box module,
News slider module,
Tooltips plugin,
Google maps module,
Mega menu plugins.
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Responsive template,
Joomla 3.x template,
Joomla 2.5 template,
Sboost Framework,
Bootstrap framework,
5 columns template with width at your choice,
69 Module positions fully collapsible,
Template width at your choice,
6 presets colors,
Background color and pattern selector from template parameters,
Floating menu,
3 menu options: Mega, moo or dropdown menu,
Logo optional as image png or as text,
Kenburn Slider module,
Newsflash module,
Newsletter module,
News module,
Google map module,
Photo gallery module,
Tabs module with sliding effect,
Popup login and registration form,
Tabs codes,
Tooltips plugin,
Top panel,
Dropdown code,
RTL language support,
Socialize icons,
Large typography and...
Last modified on