In the installation of Joomla 2.5, the Joomla Meta Tag "generator" willset automaticallyby Joomla. This tutorial shows you, how can you remove this Meta Tag and minimize thereby your source code. Besides, by removing the Joomla Meta Tag "generator", the explizite search after Joomla CMS Websites by hackers becomes more difficult.
This tutorial gives you a overview, how you can integrate a Google Adsense Code in a Joomla articel with Phoca Google Adsense Easy, in a easy way. Requirementfor that is, that you have ancurrent Google Adsense Account.
Sometimesyoucould despair, if Joomladisplayerrors intheadministration and you don't know, what is the cause of that. Be cool, every problem has a solution.Thefollowing overviewdescribesthe most common problemsinJoomla, that happenedto us in the last years. Maybe you can solve your problem with that.