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[Joomla 4] Important Changes in Update Process You Should Know About Important modifications may be required to guarantee that your update process continues to function when Joomla 4.0.4 is released. Thanks to the people who worked on this and gave their views and comments, especially, Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos. These modifications are carried out in order to modernize the updating procedure. Nicholas' changes have eliminated almost half of the code previously utilized, making the process more rational and stable. These improvements will make it easier for future code maintainers. It will be needed to make adjustments to the htaccess file for anyone using the JDocs toughened version or other htaccess examples to...
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Joomla 4.0 Will Come With Bootstrap 5 If you are following the Joomla 4 release, there's an interesting news for you. The Joomla Production Leadership Team decided to ship Joomla with the latest version of Bootstrap 5 framework. The biggest benefit of using Bootstrap 5 would be the amount of time the major version of Bootstrap would be supported. Joomla 4 will launch with the current and not an old version of Bootstrap giving developers and designers better support for the life of Joomla 4. Although Bootstrap 5 currently is in beta stage, but the Bootstrap project has no plans to introduce any new major changes in...
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