DJ-BuilderAnywhere is a new WordPress and Joomla 4 plugin for YOOtheme Pro web builder. Build your own module content, creating different layouts, columns and rows. Manage the module content (add different elements, such as sliders and animations or videos) & edit in one place the sections that are repeating on different pages of the website. With the DJ-BuilderAnywhere you can also build a fancy submenu! (using DJ-MegaMenu for Joomla and Max Mega Menu for WordPress.) Check the demo site. Watch the video presentation. ...
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DJ-BuilderAnywhere is a new WordPress and Joomla 4 plugin for YOOtheme Pro web builder. Build your own module content, creating different layouts, columns and rows. Manage the module content (add different elements, such as sliders and animations or videos) & edit in one place the sections that are repeating on different pages of the website. With the DJ-BuilderAnywhere you can also build a fancy submenu! (using DJ-MegaMenu for Joomla and Max Mega Menu for WordPress.) Check the demo site. Watch the video presentation. ...
DJ-PopUp is a newly-released plugin for WordPress & Joomla working with a YOOtheme Pro Page Builder.
How does it work? Using the DJ-Popup plugin, you can change any YOOtheme Pro builder section into a pop-up or a modal box. It's easy, and you don't need any coding skills!
With this tool, you can build a popup/modal and put anything into it (a video, a map, newsletter or login form, cookies banner, slideshow.)
The plugin brings multiple popup triggers to choose from, from a standard “on click” trigger, through the “on hover” solution, and more (Delay time, On Page Load, On Scroll,...
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Text to speech, the Joomla plugin gives you the fantastic opportunity to improve your site’s accessibility now.
Meet the modern web accessibility requirements - using a Joomla screen reader on your website you can improve your site’s accessibility!
Allow users to listen to the content instead of reading it. ...
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