[ Solved ] - Save failed with the following error: Another menu item with the same parent has this alias - Error in Joomla 2.5

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By creating a menu item in Joomla 2.5 an error may occur, if a menu item has the same "Menu Title" or "Alias"  like a other created menu item. In this case the following error appears:

Save failed with the following error: Another menu item with the same parent has this alias



1. Possibility: Check, if the entered "Menu Title" or "Alias" already used by a other menu item. You can check this in the Menu Manager.

Use the path: "Joomla 2.5 Administration" - "Menus" - "Menu Manager"

2. Possibility: Check, if a trashed menu item with the same "Menu Title" or "Alias" is still in the Joomla 2.5 Trash and has not been deleted.

Use the path: "Joomla 2.5 Administration" - "Menus" - "Menu Manager" and select the "Status" - "trashed" in the "Status Drop down Field", top right of the displayed menu item survey. 

In our case, a menu item with the same "Menu Title" and "Alias" is in the Joomla 2.5 Trash. To delete it, check the menu item und push the "Empty trash Button", top right.


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  • sudhakar
    sudhakar Thursday, 23 January 2014

    I am a new one for this joomla so this alias issue occur in a long duration so now only got solution to joomla friends page so am really thanks to you

  • joom-friends
    joom-friends Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    Thanks for the heart, it solved my problem with very simple steps

  • joom-friends
    joom-friends Tuesday, 26 August 2014

    Thanks Great!

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