Avatar Twitter Widget display your Twitter profil and tweets in a module, which is easy to configure by module admin. The Tweet Button, Follow Button and Widget will be shown directly in the module. You can set hashtags, width or height of your tweets and display informations, like your username. The download is free. Avatar Twitter Widget is native to Joomla 2.5. JoomAvatar provide this social module also in a commercial version with a lot of more features.
Joomla Extensions
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J2 Store is a multilingual online shop extension for Joomla 2.5, which will be delivered in a free version with a easy to configurable administration of your products. You can set all product features, like price, tax, attributes while creating an product. The two commercial versions offer lots of more features and special online payment plugins for Paypal, Authorize.net, SagePay, Ogone and DIBS Payment. You can get special languages packages in spanish, bulgarian and dutch. The download is free, after registration on developers website.
Avatar Slide Skitter comes with a nice thumnails preview, more than 20 transition- and multi select effects. You can display a config number of images and customize the time display for every image. Furthermore, JoomAvatar provides this image slideshow module for Joomla 2.5 with a easy to setable module admin, which offers you the possibilty to change a lot of module features, like the module size, navigation style or the position of the play/pause button, their. The download is free, after your agreement to the developers condition on the website of JoomAvatar.