A Brief Guide to Buying the Head of All Dongles: The USB Hub The technology hardware and equipment industry market the slimness of their product every year. They show off how the computer still manages to be thin without heating up, and how it is much more portable because of its size. But slim laptops have to make compromises. Sometimes they compromise on processor power, sometimes on the cooling mechanism, and for the last three years, they have been compromising on ports. The slimmer the side after all, the more difficult it is to place ports. The reason for the compromise is obvious but not always justified. Manufacturers have been able to take...
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One of the major problems that we face nowadays is not having enough power sockets for the numerous gadgets we keep buying, the ones that apparently, we absolutely must-have. Now that smart home technology has come into the spotlight, it has not only changed our power socket needs but also our overall wiring needs. Someday, when Wi-Fi is better and everything works on long-lasting batteries, we will not have to worry about wiring. Until then however, you can read this article about why you should update the wiring of your house and how to set up a functional smart home for...
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Networking is the backbone of any IT infrastructure. It's one of the most interesting concepts of technology, at least for network engineers. For many people working with networking devices is interesting as millions of people rely on them. Some of them even find working inside a data center with servers and networking components interesting. Just think about the Google data centers where thousands of queries come every day and how strong their servers have to be to process those queries and revert the results to the users in a matter of minutes. There are so many components, from small to large,...
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