SF Cable Blog - Get Expert Tips & Advice on Cables & Accessories

In our blog, we educate customers on the various types of cables, components and accesscories for computer, laptops and mobiles



In our blog, we educate customers on the various types of cables, components and accesscories for computer, laptops and mobiles

The technology industry is known for disruption. Many in Silicon Valley live by the motto “live fast and break things”. This means that the minute tech launches something new, they are already inventing three new things in the background. These are not always new inventions, they can also be iterative inventions to what they launched the previous day. But the point is that nothing in tech remains new and latest for too long a time. At the same time, new tech is often, if not always, expensive. So if you buy a $1000 computer today, then you are not likely to...
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About a decade and a half ago, I was in the market for a computer. This was a time when I didn’t really understand computer specifications, but a number of people I talked to and the internet told me it should have S Video cable output, so I went for it. In reality, I never used it. Then again, that is not the port’s fault. Merely my lack of ever wanting to or needing to stream video out of my computer. The S video cable is also used for security cameras, something that I didn’t know back then. Audio Video Cables Come In...
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Just bought a new home!? And, thinking about wiring and cabling, the most cumbersome task? Don't worry, here in this article, I will be covering various types of cables which are useful in our homes and brief about them. Wiring modern homes require a standard quality of work in comparison to the homes from the mid-1960s. Today, any new electrical installations require new wiring that complies with local building codes. Before we begin, let's discuss some of the wiring terminologies. An electrical wire is a conductor that conducts electricity. In the household wiring, the conductor is usually copper or aluminum; it...
Tagged in: rca cable rg59 cable
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