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4 Benefits of Having a Web-to-Print ERP for Your Business!

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Amazon, the ecommerce giant recently received an approval on a patent for On-Demand Clothing Manufacturing Warehouse. This news has been doing the rounds on the internet recently. For those who are unaware, Amazon will come up with an ecommerce automation system that enables personalized end-to-end printing and warehousing operations. You can read one of these news pieces if you want to know about the numerous ways in which it is going to benefit its customer base.

We did not share this news just for the sake of it. There was an intent behind sharing it. Or perhaps, a shout out to ecommerce store owners who rejoice merely upon having a web-to-print software solution. The ways in which ecommerce industries are advancing, it seems that just having a web-to-print facility will not suffice. You need to have automation solution that helps you to channel incoming orders from your online storefront directly into production workflows.

Also known as web-to-print ERP, it is a perfect way to boost your profit margins and address the pain points that hinder your print production cycle. So, what are the ways in which a print ERP system can benefit your business? We will shed some light on that today.

1. Easy Inventory Management

2. Management of Print Files

3. Streamlined Shipping Management

4. Enhanced Sales Management

But, how does this work?

Well, it works like every other automation system does. All you need to do is define its flow from the backend. Once you’ve set the rules, it takes care of the entire web-to-print process. You can also edit and make changes in the flow as and when you want.

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