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B2J Calendar Module for K2 - The Premier Free Joomla Calendar Solution
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B2J Calendar for K2 by the team at Bang2Joom is by far the most powerful K2 calendar module available and quite possibly one of the best Joomla calendar modules overall. It supports Joomla 2.5 and 3.0, is hyper-responsive and extremely customisable. It is one of the best Joomla extensions that the Bang2Joom team is most proud to have created.
The Basic Settings allow you to set module class suffix, module width, border size for the whole module, date font size and Calendar mode. There are two modes for displaying the calendar - blog style and AJAX style.
Blog style calendar mode
This mode has the following options:
- Select K2 category
- Select starting week day
- Show only active days
- Show future days
- Show item/event count
When the user clicks the date, it opens the default K2 date view, showing the K2 items/events of that day.
AJAX style Calendar
This mode has the following functions:
- Select one or more K2 categories
- Select starting weekday
- Maximum number of items/events per day
- Show only active days
- Show future days
- Show item/event count
If you click on the date in AJAX calendar mode, it will show the K2 items/events of that particular day inside the calendar block without refreshing the page (This feature can be seen in the image above on the right). It can show the date, title and introtext of K2 item/event. These can be disabled and their positions swapped, with many more features!
Colour Options
The other great thing about this module are the colour options in the back. There are two predefined colour presets: Default and Albumen. You are also able to create your custom preset in this section to match the style of your own site.
Bang2Joom's Calendar Module for K2 is as powerful as it is simple! Check out B2J Calendar our other commercial and free Joomla modules today!
If you have encountered problems with this template, feel free to submit a ticket or ask your questions on B2J Forum.