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B2J Manook | Charity Website Template
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B2J Manook is a bundle of Joomla Template for Charity, Video Gallery, Photo Gallery and more. This template is built on K2, T3 Framework and is retina ready!
B2J Manook is Joomla 2.5/3 Template designed for websites for charity purposes and non-profit organizations. Being a mighty combination of an attractive design and functionality, it has got all the necessary pages and options a charity website will ever need.
B2J Manook is:
- compatible with Joomla 2.5/3
-fully responsive and retina ready
-designed with super UX design
-compatible with any browser
B2J Manook is also extremely easy-to-install and to use, with a user-friendly back-end.
The functionality of this template is extended with the help of the best Joomla extensions developed by Bang2Joom, such as: B2J Calendar, B2J Contact, B2J Aquarius Layer Slider and B2J Alfheim Image Gallery Pro.
Make your charitable cause accessible for a larger audience with B2J Manook- best choice of charity website template!
View B2J Manook Demo.
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If you have encountered any problems with this template, feel free to submit a ticket or to ask your questions on B2J Forum.