Joomla templates
Joomla-Monster creates professional and high quality premium and free Joomla! templates for many thematic categories.
Customers may see customized demo site of each template which is diligently prepared for users that want to adapt the website to their needs quickly.
We provide Quickstart packages with an exact copy of a demo site - easy to replace with your content.
Our Joomla! 3 templates are build on powerful, modern and useful EF4 or EF3 Frameworks.
Templates include great Joomla extensions - for galleries, ads, products catalog included for free in the template's price.
Build a classifieds website like olx using a appropriate classifieds software
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Did you know that building a website such as OLX does not have to cost a lot at all and now anyone can afford it?
It used to be different, because creating a functional website was associated with the necessity of employing programmers and, above all, considerable spending.
Now it is much easier, also because it is enough to install a template for Joomla and quickly launch the advertising portal quickly and efficiently.
If you are thinking about creating such a website that is OLX, you've come to the right place. In our article we show how to do it and, how much it will cost. Learn more.