JVGTheme provide Simple 5 for free, under GNU/GPL license. Its powered by Themexpert's Expose Framework and comes with 65 module positions. Simple5 supports image slideshows and will be delivered with a effectful drop dwon menu. You can use it with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x.
Piano Forte is very minimal and includes Joomla51 J51 Thumbs Gallery Module, J51 Image Link Hover Module and J51 Slideshow Module. You can display your content on 3 columns and 54 full collapsible module positions. Its Site title and background image are changeable, directly in Joomla Backend. The typography comes with serifes. You can also integrated one of 14 web safe fonts and 100 Google Fonts. A font chooser is available. Piano Forte is commercial. Joomla51 provide it for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x.