ST Venus, a free Joomla template for Joomla 3.x, is available with a quicksetup and the useful extensions, like ST Comment, ST Social or ST Content Showcase. Its layout adapts to every device and is ready for Retina. Beautiful Templates provide this template with a drop down menu, social icon integration and nice sliding effects in the module positions. You can download this theme, without conditions, on developers website. Its best suitable for business-, corporate- or portfolio websites.
CloudHost, by GavickPro,fits perfect for Joomla hosting websites. Its CSS3 based layout is responsive to every device. Special bonus pages for FAQ, support help or web hosting are available. CloudHost run on Gavern Framework and will be delivered with custom typography for code listings, quotes or text blocks. Modern web technologies, like HTML5, garantuess the fast load and cross browser compatible work of this template. The download is commercial. CloudHost works with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1.5.